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Cwn Annwn

Item: a map of New Rigel

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Item 'a map of New Rigel' is type map, alignment 0, made of paper,
has keywords 'map New Rigel'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 3 pebbles, and is valued at 80 gp.
This level 5 item has no special attributes.
*This item may be repaired 7 times.
*                       B---BNB-B             * LEGEND
*                       | '' L  |             *
*                     B-B '' |  B---B         * L = LEWIS ST
*                     B   '' |    $|         * M = MARKET LANE
*           B--------Bo  '''SLI   $B--Bo     * O = ORANGE COURT
*           |         H  ''' om--m--m   B     * $ = HOT AIR PLATFORM
*           B         H  ''' L   p p    B     * B = BASTION RD
*           oE-------Eo  ''' |   opop--po     * m = MAPLE ST
*       B---B         H  ''' |   p     aB--B  * G = GOLDEN LANE
*       |     U       |  ''' |   |     |   |  * g = GONDOLA PIER
*     B-B     |       |  ''' L   P  v  a  I|  * p = PEBBLE & PELLAM
*     |       |       |  ''  |   |  v  olll|  * JC = JENSON PARK/CIRCLE
*     |     U-U       |  ''  |   |  v  a   |  * VP = VASHIR PARK
*     B     U         H  ''  L   p  v  a   B  * # = INDRA TEMPLE
*   BBoP---PoP-------PoP----POP--P----PoP-Po  * T = THIEVES FOREST
*   |      U    ''''   T     L     M       B  * I = INN OR RESTERAUNT
*   |      |    '''' *****   |  M--M----M  B  * v = VASHIR'S PALACE
*   |J     |  ''''  *******  |  |SSS^SSS|  B  * J = NEW RIGEL JAIL
*   |    U-U ''''  ******** SLI MS^^^^SS|  B  * * = THIEVES FOREST
*   B      ''''   *********  oM-MS^^^^SMM  B  * E = ELFTON DRIVE
*   |      '''   *********** L  MSSS^SSMB--B  * l = LAW RD
*   |I   '''''  ************ |  M---M--Mo     * a = APPLE ST
*   |  '''''   ************* L          B     * A = ARCH DRIVE
*   | ''''''   ******* O----Oo          |     * + = NEW RIGEL REALTY
*   |''''' ss ****** O   ++  L       B--B     * S = SHOP OR BLACKSMITH
*   |'''' s''w **** O   ++   Lb-----bo        * ' = WATER WAYS
*   B''  s'  'w--w  O  O----OL   S   B        * T = ROYAL THEATER
*   oggss'    ''''\  OO      L     I |        * o = INTERSECTION
*   B I''  JC '   'w  G    AAOA----AoB        * U = ULDAR BOULEVARD
*   | C w'    ' VP'|S G--G   L      |         * H = HORST RD
*   | C-Cw''''''  'wE |  |  T|    B-B         *
*   |  sC w---w'''/ E GG |   L    |           *
*   B--Bo     w--w Ei  | |   |  oBB           *
*       B i   $    E   | |  #L  B             *
*       B----B----B    G-G  BoB-B             *
*                 |S    S  S|                 *
*                 B-S-B-----B                 *

Long description: A small map rests here, its corners curled from use.
This item can be found in Stock.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is sold in Lowangen by 'Swanfir'.
*This item is sold in Pirate's Cove by 'Raff'.
*This item is sold in Sigil by 'Marlee, the cartographer'.
*This item is sold in Tellerium by 'The cartographer'.
*This item is sold in The Towne of New Rigel by 'Almond'.
*This item is sold in The Towne of Xaventry by 'Biaron'.
*This item is sold in Towne of Rune by 'The cartographer'.
*This item is sold in Vospire by 'Valanis'.