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Cwn Annwn

Quest: Pedantic Petals

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This quest [2921] is called 'Pedantic Petals',
for Adventurers levels 241 to 241.
Baron Nezak [Towne of Decara] is the master in charge of this quest.
Baron Nezak's disfavor among the populace works contrary to the stated goals
of Baron Nezak, such that Agents are assaulted arbitrarily while among those
prepubescent, pandering plebes. Gather flowers, so that the screaming
yokels may be sated by the soothing scents of superfluous, superficial
sunflowers, susans, sage and sego lilies.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 47 quest points, 6 practice points, 0 experience points,
 0 build points, 0 piety, and 31,000 gold pieces.
You have 200 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Pedantic Petals consists of:
Phase 2: Recover a bouquet of cut flowers.
Phase 3: Recover a patch of orchids.
Phase 4: Recover a navy blue flower.
Phase 5: Recover a thin flower garland.
Phase 6: Recover a tiny blue bell.
Phase 7: Recover a small flower garland.