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Cwn Annwn

Quest: The Agile Ranger

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This quest [32171] is called 'The Agile Ranger',
for Adventurers levels 30 to 250.
Lord Vendredi [Sigil] is the master in charge of this quest.
From years of moving through the thickest of forests to the bushiest of
plains, RANGERS are usually quite fast on their feet and not easily
tired. Visit Pyrian and learn how to ENHANCE your own ENDURANCE.
Afterwards, head over to The First Sword and practice your DODGING
ability. RANGERS are extremely agile and hard to hit. When you live
with the wild animals, you have to learn to move like them. Finally, head
to Lowangen and listen to Friedburg teach about 'BLIND FIGHTING.'
Friedburg will teach you to see with your hands, feet and ears when you lose
your sight. On your way back, visit Lord Vashir and see if he needs any
help with anything.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 55 quest points, 5 practice points, 35,000 experience points,
 9 build points, 0 piety, and 3,000 gold pieces.
You have 300 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
The Agile Ranger consists of:
Phase 1: Visit Pyrian, ranger master.
Phase 2: Visit The First Sword.
Phase 3: Visit Friedburg.
Phase 4: Visit Lord Vashir. [ Hidden ]
Phase 5: Defeat A pathetic prisoner. [5 times] [ Hidden ]