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Cwn Annwn

Quest: Ridding The Underground

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This quest is called 'Ridding The Underground',
for Adventurers levels 241 to 241.
Baron Nezak [Towne of Decara] is the master in charge of this quest.
Outside the boundaries of Decara, there is a vast network of caverns,
crevices and crevasses, all waiting to be conquered. This would currently
be impossible, however. There are droves of delinquent denizens, all of
whom must be dealt with - if you get the Baron's drift. Prepare yourself
for a long trek, then head out and clear out as much of the scum as seems
sufficient to you. Make the land ready for Baron Nezak's future invasion.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 106 quest points, 14 practice points, 0 experience points,
 0 build points, 0 piety, and 33,000 gold pieces.
You have 300 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Ridding The Underground consists of:
Phase 1: Recover a clawed pick.
Phase 2: Recover a flint pickaxe.
Phase 3: Defeat A creeping bougainvillea. [5 times]
Phase 4: Defeat A gigantic green dionaea. [3 times]
Phase 5: Defeat A cthon psionic. [5 times]
Phase 6: Defeat A gigantic oyster. [3 times]
Phase 7: Defeat A giant frost spider. [3 times]
Alondra The rewards for this quest have been lowered to:
*Up to 106 quest points, 14 practice points, 0 archon points, and
33,000 gold pieces.