Quest: Legend of the Gypsy Curse
This quest is called 'Legend of the Gypsy Curse',
for Adventurers levels 121 to 225.
This is a SEASONAL quest. It is available for a limited time.
Lord Agrippa [Runic Castle] is the master in charge of this quest.
Legend has it there is a disease so horrific that it could drive a person
into chaotic madness. The sufferer loses all grasp on reality, and often
feels that the only release is... Suicide. My council has informed me that
a girl associated with the Bandit King may be affected with such a curse.
It has been said that the gypsies of the Sigilian Underground are
responsible for releasing this demonic curse, and are the only ones who know
how to cure it. The citizens of Alyria will undoubtedly feel more at ease
knowing that this curse is only a legend. So to be sure, seek out this girl
and investigate any potential clues that may lead to the truth about the
existence of the curse. You may find that you need to remain with the girl
for a short while in order to fully assess her health. On your journey
back, destroy any potentially harmful items and rid the lands of those who
may be infected. Be sure to take extra care to prepare yourself, in case
the legend is actually true.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 135 quest points, 12 practice points, 25,000 experience points,
0 build points, 0 piety, and 50,000 gold pieces.
You have 900 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Legend of the Gypsy Curse consists of:
for Adventurers levels 121 to 225.
This is a SEASONAL quest. It is available for a limited time.
Lord Agrippa [Runic Castle] is the master in charge of this quest.
Legend has it there is a disease so horrific that it could drive a person
into chaotic madness. The sufferer loses all grasp on reality, and often
feels that the only release is... Suicide. My council has informed me that
a girl associated with the Bandit King may be affected with such a curse.
It has been said that the gypsies of the Sigilian Underground are
responsible for releasing this demonic curse, and are the only ones who know
how to cure it. The citizens of Alyria will undoubtedly feel more at ease
knowing that this curse is only a legend. So to be sure, seek out this girl
and investigate any potential clues that may lead to the truth about the
existence of the curse. You may find that you need to remain with the girl
for a short while in order to fully assess her health. On your journey
back, destroy any potentially harmful items and rid the lands of those who
may be infected. Be sure to take extra care to prepare yourself, in case
the legend is actually true.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 135 quest points, 12 practice points, 25,000 experience points,
0 build points, 0 piety, and 50,000 gold pieces.
You have 900 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Legend of the Gypsy Curse consists of:
Phase 2: Recover a Cthonic mask.
Phase 3: Recover a scroll of 'cure poison'.
Phase 4: Journey to Entrance of the Infirmary.
Phase 5: Journey to The Morgue.
Phase 6: Visit A dying girl.
Phase 7: Visit A sad monk.
Phase 8: Visit A dirty nomad.
Phase 9: Journey to In Front of a Trailer.
Phase 10: Visit An exotic nomad woman.
Phase 12: Journey to The Caboose.
Phase 13: Journey to Within a Covered Wagon.
Phase 14: Defeat A diseased homeless man. [3 times]
Phase 15: Defeat An adventurous Sigilian. [5 times]
Phase 16: Defeat A cringing child. [5 times]
Phase 17: Destroy a crystalized fossil. [5 times]
Phase 18: Journey to Health Services.
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*Up to 135 quest points, 12 practice points, 25,000 experience points, and 50,000 gold pieces. *The item 'a small purple vial labeled 'Potion Thirty-Three''. Item 'a small purple vial labeled 'Potion Thirty-Three'' is type potion, alignment -100, made of glass, has keywords 'purple vial potion 33 thirty-three thirtythree transforming_potion'. This item weighs 0 stones and 3 pebbles, and is valued at 1,087 gp. This level 1 item has the attributes: magic-resistant A small purple vial labeled 'Potion Thirty-Three' is in excellent condition. The vial is a dark purple. You can see by moving it around that there is some kind of liquid inside. A worn label on the front of the vial reads "Potion Thirty-Three". The potion is tightly stoppered with a piece of cork. *The item 'a small green vial labeled 'Potion Sixty-One''. Item 'a small green vial labeled 'Potion Sixty-One'' is type potion, alignment -100, made of glass, has keywords 'green vial potion 61 sixty-one sixtyone transforming_potion'. This item weighs 0 stones and 3 pebbles, and is valued at 1,087 gp. This level 1 item has the attributes: magic-resistant A small green vial labeled 'Potion Sixty-One' is in excellent condition. The vial is a viscous green. You can see by moving it around that there is some kind of liquid inside. A worn label on the front of the vial reads "Potion Sixty-One". The potion is tightly stoppered with a piece of cork. *The item 'a small brown vial labeled 'Potion Twenty-Four''. Item 'a small brown vial labeled 'Potion Twenty-Four'' is type potion, alignment -100, made of glass, has keywords 'brown vial potion 24 twenty-four twentyfour transforming_potion'. This item weighs 0 stones and 3 pebbles, and is valued at 1,087 gp. This level 1 item has the attributes: magic-resistant A small brown vial labeled 'Potion Twenty-Four' is in excellent condition. The vial is a dark brownish amber. You can see by moving it around that there is some kind of liquid inside. A worn label on the front of the vial reads "Potion Twenty-Four". The potion is tightly stoppered with a piece of cork. |
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive: