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Cwn Annwn

Room: Sailor's Haven Tavern

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 Sailor's Haven Tavern                                  -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
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A popular destination for seamen on shore leave, the Sailor's Haven can
get a bit rough at times.  Pockets full of gold and bellies equally full of
rum, the men who wander in here after months at sea frequently end out
brawling just to release the tension brought on by months of strict
shipboard discipline.  Whatever the cause, flying chairs are still dangerous
to one's teeth and you reconsider the wisdom of being here.  
A sailor enjoys a glass of alcohol on his shore leave.
A sailor appears to be drunk as he stammers incoherently to the bartender.
A sailor enjoys a glass of alcohol on his shore leave.

A loud, obviously drunk man is making a nuisance of himself.
A drunken sailor slams a drink and orders another from the bartender.
A sailor appears to be drunk as he stammers incoherently to the bartender.
A sailor enjoys a glass of alcohol on his shore leave.
A scruffy bartender is here dragging out another satisfied customer.


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