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Cwn Annwn

Shield block

School: Defense
Complexity: 25%
Classes that acquire this proficiency:
Barbarian, Cavalier, Paladin, Valkyrie, Priest, Shaman, Rogue


One of the basic defense strategies, along with acrobatics, dodge, magical fade, and parry. The shield block defense only blocks hits from weapons, not hand to hand, in the combat exchange, but it also can block a variety of projectile spells. The defender must be wearing a shield for the shield block defense to be successful. It also decays shields more quickly than without the defense in use. This skill works in conjunction with the second defense skill.

Related proficiencies:
    acrobatics, magical fade, parry, second defense, shield block

Mobiles known to provide training in this proficiency:
*This proficiency is trained in Aequtus by the mob 'Whalsarn, the warrior'.
*This proficiency is trained in Atlantis by the mob 'A warrior whale'.
*This proficiency is trained in Genauras by the mob 'Lieutenant Taelsia'.
*This proficiency is trained in Genauras by the mob 'Captain Rynus'.
*This proficiency is trained in Lowangen by the mob 'Regulon'.
*This proficiency is trained in Palace of Diocletian by the mob 'Abraham'.
*This proficiency is trained in Pirate's Cove by the mob 'The guildmaster'.
*This proficiency is trained in Tellerium by the mob 'The defensive arts trainer'.
*This proficiency is trained in Tellerium by the mob 'The dodging trainer'.
*This proficiency is trained in Templeton by the mob 'The trainer'.
*This proficiency is trained in The Towne of New Rigel by the mob 'A combat trainer'.
*This proficiency is trained in The Towne of Xaventry by the mob 'General Naveel'.
*This proficiency is trained in The Towne of Xaventry by the mob 'A totally inconspicuous man'.
*This proficiency is trained in Towne of Rune by the mob 'Evelyn'.
*This proficiency is trained in Unseelie Castle by the mob 'A trainer'.
*This proficiency is trained in Vir by the mob 'Frassor, academy headmaster'.
*This proficiency is trained in Vospire by the mob 'The Guildmaster'.
Nessus Can be trained in New Rigel by the combat trainer.
Serrin Can be trained in Xaventry by the Captain.
Dez This skill can also be trained at the Combat Trainer in RUNE.
Creslen Regulon in Lowangen also trains this
Evalar Abraham in Dio also trains this.