[+] |
Accumulation |
1 |
–241 |
Collectibles |
"Become a master philatelist."
Submit log |
[+] |
Acronyms |
30 |
–241 |
Chat Rooms |
"Play and win a full game with Djinn Gloria's Acrobat in Social."
Go 3n3u3sw from the Ivory Tower (where you enter social) and sayto Gloria acrobat.
/join anychatroomname, the handicapped acrobat will then appear.
Start the game by poking the acrobat.
Requires 3-4 or more people.
Win the game by getting the most votes by the end of the 5th round.
"For winning a game of wit and speed, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Adventure |
1 |
–241 |
Any Questmaster |
"Complete a respectable number of quests."
Complete 100 quests or more (random chance upon quest completion).
"For proving thou hast the soul of an Adventurer, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Aggression |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Decara |
"Help a hunter in Decara kill a large amount of his prey."
Return 100 y'goth skulls to the Y'goth hunter in Decara.
View log |
[+] |
Agility |
1 |
–241 |
The Towne of New Rigel |
"Show yourself as a master of defensive skills to a diminutive rogue."
Master all defensive skills and visit the bandit leader at the Brigand Hideout in the Thieves' Forest.
View log |
[+] |
Alchemy |
1 |
–241 |
Vospire |
"Visit the local herbalism supplier in Vospire."
Restriction: You must currently be a mage to obtain this mark.
Journey to Marle's Magical Potions. Now available to all levels.
"For finding a local supplier of herbs, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Altruism |
1 |
–241 |
The Proving Grounds |
"Look for a fellow adventurer who needs help in the Proving Grounds."
Obtain and give 300-400 maleficarum roots to the pathetic adventurer. He wanders around the mid-levels. When you give him a root, he will tell you how many more he needs.
View log |
[+] |
Anguish |
1 |
–180 |
Seelie Castle |
"Fight a prominent member of the Sidhe royal court."
Restrictions: Must be a Sidhe. Must not have Mark of Faith. Must not have Mark of Spirit.
Submit log |
[+] |
Animation |
1 |
–241 |
Lair of the Ice Witch |
"Explore the icy lair of a nefarious witch on Avros."
Kill the gorgon animator, then kill the gorgonlings, fill a vial of unblessed water with gorgon blood, then drop the vial in a room with a stone-cursed NPC. May need to be done multiple times
TIP: When fighting the gorgon animator, she likes to stone-curse, and then insta-kill 1-2 game minutes later, so the tank should not be the form leader. when the tank becomes stone-cursed, form leader needs to lead the tank out of room.
"For assisting the captives of the Ice Witch in matters of nefarious animation, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Annual |
10 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"Complete 5 Crystal Guild quests for Tadamir when your Adventurer is at least 1 real year old."
"For persevering for more than 1 year, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Anonymity |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
"Keep yourself perpetually disguised until you find someone to match that disguise."
This Mark is granted by a random "NPC" called the masked man. He may appear in any area. You will need to have a mask on or be shifted at this event to get the mark. Bloodbane masks and Cthonic masks are known to work.
"For hiding your identity so effectively, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Appraisal |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Appraise your own value with CHECK EQUIPMENT VALUE.
Submit log |
[+] |
Aquamancy |
35 |
–90 |
Lowangen, Desert Thorn, Inn of the Twin Moons |
"Observe and defeat the magic of Sajjes the Aquamancer, now retired in Lowangen."
Submit log |
[+] |
Armies |
25 |
–241 |
Arena |
"Be one of one hundred in The Portal Room in Rune Arena."
"For being part of the formation of an army, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Asceticism |
1 |
–241 |
A Hydra's Den |
"Begin by being recruited by a menacing archer from the underground."
Requirements: Personality must be greater than 8.
Defeat the menacing hydra.
"For giving the time and energy necessary to defeat the scourge of the Den, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Assault |
1 |
–241 |
Lowangen |
"Find a place in Lowangen where one's preferences can be judged."
Requirements: Must not have Mark of Barrier.
Give 250 tourmalines to Losanil and respond to her question with answer "offensive". (Answering "defensive" gives the Mark of Barrier.) If you already have the Mark of Barrier, that Mark will be revoked and this one granted instead.
For more information, see the Mark of Barrier.
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[+] |
Assessment |
3 |
–250 |
Random Area |
Figure out what equipment slots you could be using, with MISSING.
Submit log |
[+] |
Assistance |
1 |
–241 |
A Hill Giant Refuge |
"Go to the home of the hill giants home, and show them skill at mining."
Help the miners out in Hill Giant Refuge. Push/pull the cart (in either mine) under a giant miner. Give him an iron pick axe and he'll mine faster. When you have ore or gems (depending on the side), pull the cart to the mine supervisor and pull the lever. He will pay you, and on a moderately good random chance, award you this mark.
"For teaching a hill giant a smarter way to mine, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Association |
1 |
–241 |
Rune Forest |
"Reassemble the long-lost stars of an old wizard, scattered around the Forest."
"For reassembling an old wizard's stars, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
===== OLD VERSION =====
"Find a way to join the Order of the Malachite Golem, then show off your trophy."
Complete the guild master's quest to join the Order of the Malachite Golem. He will give you an amber pendant.
Go to the bird city, in the west side of Rune Forest. Find Jeria and say yes when she asks you about the guild.
"For joining a recognized guild and networking with your connections, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Asvin |
1 |
–241 |
Dungeon Avarice |
"Find followers of the ancient gods, in a place appropriate for a dwarf."
Requirements: Must be a dwarf.
View log |
[+] |
Automation |
1 |
–241 |
Dungeon Wroth |
"Fully automate the orc pursuer's pursuits, performing one thousand of his tasks."
"For ensuring the orc pursuer never need leave his dungeon and doing his work for him, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Awareness |
1 |
–241 |
Collectibles |
"Become a fine philatelist."
View log |
[+] |
Baldness |
1 |
–241 |
Lowangen |
"In Lowangen, use the scalping services of a special kind of mage dedicated to the magic of hair."
In a hidden alleyway in the northwest side of Lowangen, give the Sidhe the amount of gold listed to remove your hair.
"For removing every last hair from your scalp, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Balloons |
20 |
–241 |
Tellerium, Lowangen, The Towne of New Rigel |
"Undertake quest #3209 - Hot Air Balloon Tutorial - The Mark of Balloons"
"For risking your life on a foolhardy airborne contraption, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Barrier |
1 |
–241 |
Lowangen |
"Find a place in Lowangen where one's preferences can be judged."
Requirements: Must not have Mark of Assault.
Give 250 tourmalines to Losanil and respond to her question with answer "defensive". (Answering "offensive" gives the Mark of Assault.) If you already have the Mark of Assault, that Mark will be revoked and this one granted instead.
Level/class/other requirements as yet unknown.
For more information, see the Mark of Assault.
"For being given an accurate assessment of your combat preferences, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Belief |
15 |
–241 |
Rune Graveyard |
"Journey to an entity in a graveyard that can affirm your faith."
Requirements: Must not be evil.
(Formerly a method to get the Mark of Faith.)
Visit a smiling guardian angel. Located in Rune Graveyard, south of the onyx doors.
"For seeking to protect your belief from the minions of evil, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Bells |
1 |
–241 |
Maldra Keep, Towne of Rune, Random Area |
"Ring Luzzardo Malvenu's little silver bells one thousand times."
Submit log |
[+] |
Beltane |
1 |
–241 |
"Dedicate yourself to an order of noble warriors, locked in an endless struggle."
Submit log |
[+] |
Biennial |
1 |
–241 |
Arena |
"For standing in the Portal Room in Rune Arena for 2 hours while your Adventurer is at least 2 real years old."
"For standing your ground in the Arena and persevering for more than 2 years, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Bloodshed |
1 |
–241 |
Boss Kills |
"kill 198 distinct bosses."
Submit log |
[+] |
Boom |
1 |
–241 |
The Proving Grounds |
"Make a big boom."
Submit log |
[+] |
Bravery |
60 |
–100 |
Irda Isle |
"Visit the statued guard of the Proving Grounds."
Requirements: Bravery must be attempted while alive. :P
Cross the moat between lvl 60 and lvl 100.
You may have to enter the room multiple times before being granted the mark.
Invisibility won't help you much- take a map of the moats in general and be prepared to spam flee. A lot. Be careful of the environment (passive poison and plague) in the moat. You'll run into eels in the moat, they're easy and the only ones you can really take. Flee from the west. Watch for CPK. If you have a Lapis Lazuli amulet (acquired from Tower of Aroxa) and you're below lvl 90, you'll be immune to CPK.
"For braving the perilous guard of the Proving Grounds, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Brotherhood |
1 |
–241 |
Pirate's Cove |
"Assist a pirate captain in his quest to regain treasure."
Requirements: Must be Outlaw OR Must be evilly aligned.
Note: This mark does not give a pp reward.
Speak to the captain on the ship in Pirate's Cove. He will scatter a treasure chest somewhere on the ground in Pirate's cove. Find it and enter the captain's room. He will take the chest, go 2 north, down, all south to recieve the mark.
After recieving the mark, you can take an item (take 1) and return the item to its owner to recieve +100 points to reputation. (Do not give, just enter the room.)
"For helping out your pirate brethren, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Captivity |
1 |
–180 |
Cavhfail |
"Help a forlorn mother in Cavhfail retrieve her kidnapped son."
Part I - Obtaining the password to the keep.
1. Locate a trainee guard and kill him for his uniform.
2. Wear the uniform and visit the shopkeeper, Hocus. She will yell at you for running outside in uniform, "sayto hocus I forgot password" and she will give you the first part.
3. Visit the shopkeeper, Lorecylg while wearing the uniform and he will tell you the second part. He speaks an alien language, however, the last word of his speech is the second part of your password.
4. Visit the shopkeeper, Brock and he will tell you the third part in plain english.
5. Visit the shopkeeper, Duskforge for the last part. He'll complain about being sleepy and will ask for tea. Give him a tall drink which can be obtained from the shopkeeper, Cortez and he'll give you the last part and how to assemble those parts.
Part II - Rescue
1. Visit Esther Mcglodden at the McGlodden Residence. She'll plead about her son being kidnapped by the sentry guards. "sayto esther yes" and let her know that you'll return him to her.
2. Go to the second floor of the Fangtooth Inn and enter the middle room in the east hallway.
3. Say the password here in the form <part1>-<part2>-<part3>-<part4> and the trap door will unlock and open.
4. Follow the path till you hit a dead end, move north (hidden) and continue till you hit another dead end. Move down (hidden) and you will find yourself inside the Cavhfail keep.
5. There are two exits from this room. The southeast exit leads to the exterior part of the keep while the east exit leads to Grora McGlodden, the missing son. Do NOT idle in this room or you'll be forcefully moved southeast. It is not possible to come back once you have moved southeast and you'll have to go outside and take the long way back from the Inn.
6. Go inside and kill any sentry guards you encounter. Grora can be located on the second floor of the keep.
7. Once you have located Grora, wake him up and let him know that you've come to rescue him. He'll join your formation.
8. Trackback outside via the Fangtooth Inn and lead Grora to his mother. Avoid any sentry guards.
The system seems to check whether you are in formation before granting you the mark, however, Grora breaks form before this check and the mark fails. This can be avoided by having somebody else in your form, besides Grora, before entering the residence.
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[+] |
Caution |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Decara |
"Destroy a dangerous spirit stuck in the depths of Decara."
We had Mark of Spirit as a prerequisite for this Mark, but this requirement is not listed in the official Mark list in game. To be updated as necessary.
Kill the volcano spirit.
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[+] |
Celebrity |
1 |
–19 |
The Village of Lasler |
"Slay the King Crab, Atrascus, that resides in Lasler."
Atrascus the King Crab is located in the lake in Lasler Valley, east of the village.
To help you kill him, complete the tasks given to you by:
- a grieving mother
- a novice lutomancer
- a down-on-her-luck ogre gypsy
These three beings can be found on the road between the schoolhouse and the village. After completing each task, you will obtain one piece of the "An Adventurer's Lobster Clawcrackers" equipment set.
Tip: Eat "a bit of faerie dust" (found in the wilderness of Lasler Valley) to get the "levitation" effect.
Tip: Use "a small golden leaf" (found in the dragon's cave) to get the "haste" effect.
"For slaying a monster terrorizing Lasler, the Powers granted thee a mark."
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[+] |
Chains |
1 |
–241 |
Lair of the Ice Witch |
"Help free the prisoners of a particularly chilly witch."
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[+] |
Chance |
1 |
–241 |
Any Questmaster |
"Complete a large number of quests."
Complete 1000 quests or more (random chance upon quest completion).
"For risking thy life in many situations, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Charisma |
6 |
–241 |
Rune Forest |
"Impress a sycophantic goblin that wonders Rune Forest."
Requirements: Courage must be 10 or greater.
Walk into the same room as the Sycophantic Goblin.
"For displaying charisma in unusual circumstances, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Charms |
1 |
–241 |
Alyria (The End of the Rainbow) |
"On St. Patrick's Day, work through the maze, and find the end of the Rainbow."
Acquired from the St. Patrick's Day Global, collecting the coloured shards to make the orb.
"For journeying to the end of the rainbow, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Chronomancy |
1 |
–241 |
The Tavern at the End of Time |
Submit log |
[+] |
Circumnavigation |
25 |
–250 |
Alyria |
Explore the many areas of Alyria.
Submit log |
[+] |
Clans |
21 |
–250 |
Random Area |
Join a non-Novice clan.
Submit log |
[+] |
Clergy |
1 |
–241 |
Sigil Underground via Xaventry |
"Search the bowels of a religious town, and find the coordinator religious wars."
This mark is granted for seeking out the official in charge of religious activities. He can be reached by digging for an exit at Xaventry recall and follow the path down to Sigil Underground.
Archon reward: 150 AP, 95 PPs
Note: You must be at least level 120 to enter the pathway down from Xaventry.
"For journeying to see the man in charge of all official religious activity in the Sigil Underground, the Powers granted thee a Mark!"
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[+] |
Collection |
1 |
–241 |
"Fill a classy trophy case with trophies from each boss, for the year specified."
Submit log |
[+] |
Community |
1 |
–241 |
Rune Forest, Arcane Archipelago |
"Help a stranded orc in Rune Forest survive, by retrieving him a tasty fruit from Arcane Isle."
Find the desert island in Arcane Ocean in the Arcane Archipelago. The island is a 3x3 grid, with each room containing a stone head. The sleeping heads puzzle can be completed by lulling all the stone heads to sleep. When you sing a lullaby (using the social), you will change the awake/asleep status of the head in your current room as well as in adjacent rooms (north, east, south, and west). The puzzle is timed.
When all the heads are asleep, pull on the tree in the center of the island to retrieve a coconut. Find "an out-of-place orc" in Rune Forest. He will say some gibberish to you. Say "yes" to give him the coconut and receive the Mark.
If you fail the sleeping heads puzzle, you will be unable to re-enter for a few days (not sure exactly how long).
See also: http://www.ueda.info.waseda.ac.jp/~n-kato/lightsout/index.html
* select 3x3 from the drop down list.
* click on edit and toggle the colors to whatever state the heads are in.
* click on solve and lullaby the heads in the order displayed.
Another method to do the puzzle:
to put all the heads to sleep -
think of the area as a tic-tac-toe grid numbered thus:
walk across the 456 row looking north put 123 to sleep from squares 456.
walk across the 789 row looking north put 456 to sleep from squares 789.
you will end up with one of the configurations below - where x=asleep and o=awake
if you are really lucky the bottom row will be asleep but more likely...
go to each of the squares following the relevant grid and lullaby - obviously you will wake some but if you do the whole sequence they will all be asleep with the last lullaby.
5, 3, 5, 7, 1, 3, 6, 9, 2
7, 2, 9, 5, 7, 1, 3, 9
5, 1, 5, 9, 3, 1, 4, 7, 2
6, 1, 5, 7, 9, 3, 1
4, 3, 5, 9, 7, 1, 3
7, 5, 6, 4, 9, 5, 7, 9, 3, 1
8, 5, 4, 2, 6, 8
"For helping a fellow adventurer in their time of need, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Conformity |
1 |
–241 |
Templeton |
"In Templeton, obey law and respect etiquette by checking in at the appropriate gate."
Requirements: Must currently be a warrior.
Pass the checkpoint on Stenas Road.
"For obeying the local laws and respecting the town guards, the Powers granted thee a mark!"
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[+] |
Consistency |
6 |
–241 |
"Remain the same religion for 8 Alyrian years."
... and visit the priestess in the Runic Castle. Not sure which/if other NPCs give this Mark.
"For demonstrating the consistency of your faith, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Conspiracy |
1 |
–241 |
The Village of Muldar Lohk Mulvar |
"Begin by finding a diamond hidden in one of the many villages of Alyria."
There are 18 diamonds, located in the following areas:
The Village of Muldar Lohk Mulvar
The Village of Colyon
The Mountain Village of Teolaven
Xalt, Unseelie Outpost
The Village of Mulakanathos
The Fishing Village of Dorathon
The Hamlet of Winton
Jalur Lumber Camp
A Hill Giant Refuge
Inn of the Twin Moons
Traveler's Retreat
Emperor's Crossroads
Tavern of the Boars
You must kill (any) NPCs in these areas until you randomly get the diamond. You will find one diamond in each area.
When you have all 18 diamonds, go to the wizard Kraaa in Muldar Lohk Mulvar to complete the Mark.
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[+] |
Construction |
1 |
–241 |
The Wandering Sidhe |
"Spend a substantial sum of money obtaining the equipment of another universe."
Purchase 20 million gold's worth of neverwhen equipment.
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[+] |
Containment |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"Trap yourself in the Runic home of a fabled witch."
Be in Baba Yaga's Hut in Rune. Have someone stand below the hut and make it stand up and sit down until you get the mark. Simon (the cat) must be alive.
Say "hut of brown sit down" to make the hut sit down and the exit open.
Say "hut of brown stand up" to make the hut stand up and close the exit.
Can only be done once per pop. If someone has gotten the Mark before you, you'll have to kill the cat and wait.
"For valiantly tolerating being trapped in the cruel Witch's hut, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Convenience |
35 |
–250 |
Towne of Rune |
Fill each of your 6 silk reagent bags to capacity with SHOP REAGENTS at Grimaldi Magick.
Submit log |
[+] |
Conversation |
25 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Talk to a friend.
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[+] |
Courtship |
60 |
–241 |
Runic Castle |
"Complete the quest Lady Saresyn Day from Lord Agrippa between the dates of Jan 27th and Feb 14th."
Restrictions: Quest phases are quests from other quest masters, must be between the levels of 60 and 241.
"For completing the quest Lady Saresyn Day, the Powers will grant thee the mark of Courtship."
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[+] |
Craftsmanship |
1 |
–241 |
The Wandering Sidhe |
"Make extensive use of an otherworldly blacksmith."
Submit log |
[+] |
Creation |
30 |
–241 |
Phineas Kapek's Invasion Global |
"Help Phineas Kapek create a robot in the September 2013 global."
(Previously: "Help a nefarious, robot-building menace.")
Retrieve Phineas Kapek's seven core components from: Rune, Rune Forest, Vospire, Palace of Diocletian, Lowangen, Mandrake Woods, and Arcane Archipelago. Return them to Kapek's right-hand man at the Runic Temple.
"For helping in the creation of a great machine, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Creeping |
33 |
–250 |
Random Area |
Steal a glance at an Archon
Submit log |
[+] |
Currency |
25 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Frequent the vendors in the Bazaar.
Submit log |
[+] |
Daring |
1 |
–30 |
Ogre Village |
"Visit the caretaker of your homeland."
Restrictions: Must be an Ogre.
Visit Pelunia, near the entrance to the area. No exp or pp rewards.
"For daring to visit your homeland at such a tender age, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Darkness |
10 |
–241 |
Rune Forest |
"Seek out the queen ant hidden below Rune Forest."
Player must be first class or archon.
Find the ant queen in the anthill under Rune Forest. Say "duck" to the guard to gain access.
"For exploring the darkness of the ant hill, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Depths |
10 |
–241 |
Collectibles |
"Collect all 100 commemmorative plates."
Submit log |
[+] |
Destruction |
1 |
–241 |
Ogre Village |
"Beat a homegrown ogre at a rather flowery game."
Defeat Flowerkill in a game of stomp-flower by smashing more flowers.
Obtain a buffalo steak (from Flam's Steak House in Rune or Arcane Archipelago) and give it to the crazed halfling in a hole in the ground (you will need to dig) under the Floral Hut in the Ogre Village. He will give you a token of smashing. Give Flowerkill the token and 20k/25k gp to play.
If you are not an ogre, you will need the dragon's tooth necklace that lets you speak ogrish. See the Fortitude mark for details.
fourth class - no pp rewarded; received flail of destruction
Did this again after having the mark and only had to pay 15k gold, only received 30k gold for winning.
"For besting a skilled ogre at a game of finesse and power, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Devastation |
25 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Kill someone with a mastered weapon skill.
Submit log |
[+] |
Discipline |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Decara |
"Help a hunter in Decara kill an obscene amount of his prey."
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[+] |
Discovery |
1 |
–241 |
Sigil, New Rigel, Tellerium, Xaventry |
"Visit a fellow adventuress in any town other than your class."
"For expanding your horizons and visiting new places, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
EDIT: previously stated as "Visit a fellow adventuress in the home town of your class.". Example; Mages will not get this in Sigil
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[+] |
Disingenuousness |
1 |
–241 |
Limbo Maze |
"Do not attempt to contravene death's wishes."
Requirements: Don't cheat.
Travel to the wise old hermit while alive.
He won't always say the phrase when you enter, but it's confirmed that you can get the Mark either way. Give him 1.5 million gold and he'll transfer you out of the void maze and you'll get the Mark.
UPDATE: It seems that the hermit just instantly teleports you out, without asking for money, and does NOT give a Mark. Perhaps some unknown requirement? Or maybe disabled.
UPDATE: Unsure of current method to obtain this Mark. Maybe it's still the same. Who wants to check? :)
*UPDATE*: Walked into room, did not get kicked out, giving 1.5 million gold does nothing.
Submit log |
[+] |
Disloyalty |
1 |
–180 |
"Battle the highest priest of your entire race."
Requirements: Must be Dracon. Must not have Mark of Faith. Must not have Mark of Spirit.
Submit log |
[+] |
Distance |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune, Alyria, Great Alyrian Underground |
"Cross the world a thousand times in aid of the Crystal Guild."
Submit log |
[+] |
Divinity |
1 |
–241 |
Various Locations |
"Declare yourself to one of the Powers of Alyria."
Given for following a religious power. Find a member of the clergy for any Power or deity. Type "religion follow <power or deity>" to join that religion.
See "help religion" for more information.
For a list of deities and known clergy members, see: http://www.clanannwn.net/deity/
"For thy choice to follow Them, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Dragon |
10 |
–60 |
Tower of Aroxa |
"Save a damsel in distress in the Tower of Aroxa."
Solve Aroxa Forest, defeat the dragon and rescue the princess before level 60.
"For defeating the red dragon and restoring the Tower of Aroxa to its rightful owners, the Powers awarded thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Dreaming |
25 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Dream all the dreams.
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[+] |
Elation |
60 |
–241 |
Complex d'Amour |
"Take the first step towards marriage."
Get handfasted.
"The Powers granted thee a Mark to celebrate your special day with you."
Submit log |
[+] |
Endurance |
1 |
–241 |
Collectibles |
"Become a master plate collector."
Submit log |
[+] |
Estates |
1 |
–241 |
Any Realty Area |
"Build a home of significant size."
Submit log |
[+] |
Exclusivity |
1 |
–241 |
Various Cities |
"Win the Lottery!"
Win the Lottery and give the ticket to the shopkeeper.
"For joining the Winner's Circle, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
This mark has one of the highest values and awards max xp.
View log |
[+] |
Exhaustion |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune, Alyria, Great Alyrian Underground |
"Master the wilderness and cross the world untold times in aid of the Crystal Guild."
Submit log |
[+] |
Expedition |
1 |
–19 |
Lasler Valley |
"Leave the confines of Lasler, and enter into Lasler Valley."
"For leaving the safety of your youth, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Exploration |
1 |
–241 |
Any Questmaster |
"Complete a great number of quests."
Complete 500 quests or more (random chance upon quest completion).
"For exploring so much of the land of Alyria, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Expression |
44 |
–250 |
Random Area |
Be social with your friends.
Submit log |
[+] |
Extermination |
1 |
–241 |
Tellerium |
"When an artificial plague descends upon Tellerium, destroy it."
Submit log |
[+] |
Faith |
10 |
–241 |
The Towne of Xaventry |
"Visit a particular monk in Xaventry."
Travel to a Simple Shrine Dedicated to Dira in Xaventry.
"For seeking faith in the a place of worship, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Famine |
1 |
–241 |
Tellerium, Various Locations |
"Help the sole wizard of Tellerium in his quest for magic."
Obtain the 5 artifacts which Kessler seeks. They are as follows:
a drop of suspended freshwater - obtained off the Psychic Yeti.
the dark wing of a manticore - obtained from the Manticore.
a broken piece of statue - obtained in Deceit Central Chamber Area.
a scale of the Dracolich - obtained from the Dracolich.
Fendawyr's Soul - obtained from Fendawyr the half-dragon.
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[+] |
Ferocity |
10 |
–60 |
Rune Forest |
"Join the Order of the Rabid Wolf in their fight against the Malachite Golem."
Cannot have the Mark of Fury.
"For taking a side in a vicious conflict, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Ferrovermology |
20 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"Undertake quest #3208 - Iron Worm Tutorial - The Mark of Ferrovermology"
"For packing yourself into a mechanized worm and tunneling beneath the ground to travel, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Fighting |
60 |
–241 |
Tellerium |
"Lord Telleri will offer 14 of the quests needed. The final quest can be obtained from Lord Agrippa."
Requirements: Must be a fighter class, Hero, or Archon.
Complete the Achievement Quest for your fighter class as follows:
Level 15-60: http://annwn.info/quest/3684
Level 61-240: http://annwn.info/quest/3584
Level 15-60: http://annwn.info/quest/3649
Level 61-240:
Archon: http://annwn.info/quest/3712
Level 15-60: http://annwn.info/quest/3619
Level 61-240: http://annwn.info/quest/3702
Level 15-60: http://annwn.info/quest/3643
Level 61-240: http://annwn.info/quest/3612
Archon: http://annwn.info/quest/3623
"For completing your Fighter Training, the Powers have granted thee a mark!"
"This Mark is rewarded to Fighters that compelte the class tutorial achievement quest given out by Lord Telleri."
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[+] |
Fnargh |
10 |
–241 |
Donation Item |
"Achieve an impressive score when playing Fnargh."
Apparently 583 is not high enough yet.
Submit log |
[+] |
Force |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
"Sacrifice a rare testament to a common logical fallacy."
Sacrifice a 'straw man.' Randomly pops on the ground around the world. May take several tries.
"For forcing logic to prevail, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Forgery |
37 |
–120 |
Templeton |
"Sign far more petitions for a good cause than one has a right to."
Find all the sidhe dignitaries around Templeton and agree to sign their petition.
"For attempting to forge multiple fraudulent signatures and being caught in the act, albeit for a noble cause, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Forgiveness |
1 |
–60 |
Winterborn Mansion |
'Read the famed Alyrian tale, "The Furious Questers and the Case of the Winterborn Wreckage".'
Kill the demon composed of eyeballs in Winterborne Mansion.
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[+] |
Fortitude |
1 |
–241 |
Ogre Village |
"Find a boisterous ogre who wishes to play a game."
Beat Throwfar at a game of rabbit toss.
First, you need to be able to communicate with the ogres. You need a "a dragon's tooth on a necklace".
Method 1: Acquire both placke and hitea seeds from Thelma's Plant in New Rigel and take them to Pelunia in Ogre Village. She will give you a pinecone for each. Plant these in the quiet glade and wait for the trees to grow. With enhanced strength, push the trees to obtain 2 pine branches.
Method 2: Outside Ogre Village, look around in the forest for two willow branches.
Travel to the fire pit across the river and place both braches into the fire to obtain a dragon tooth necklace. With this necklace on you can speak to the Ogres.
Now find Throwfar and say to him 'challenge.' Each game costs 10k and is randomized based on your strength and luck score. Win all 3 throws in the game to gain the mark.
Note: Having the spell enhanced strength may help improve your chances.
"For beating a mighty ogre at his own game, the Powers granted thee a mark."
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[+] |
Fragility |
1 |
–241 |
Dungeon Wroth |
"Assist the orc pursuer in victimizing 400 of his fragile, mortal targets."
"For observing firsthand and capitalizing on the fragility of life, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Friendship |
1 |
–241 |
Tellerium |
"Find a minotaur boy eager to make friends, in Tellerium."
Requirements: Sex must be equal to Male.
Say 'friends' and 'yes' to the minotaur boy that appears at one of a few locations around town, including: Lord Telleri's office, Palazzo Fountain, the intersection of Freelance, Majestic and Telleri, and the intersection of Draper and Majestic.
His mother only lets him out during the day.
"For making a new friend in a strange city, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Fright |
1 |
–241 |
Palace of Diocletian |
"Rumors abound about a dangerous man in the Palace of Diocletian who needs work done."
Bring an antique bronze telescope (Xaventry Antique Shop), an ancient book of astronomy (Hidden room in Rune Museum), and a set of star charts (Stargazer Hall) to the Veteran near Archibold. Sayto him 'work' and give him the items. Doing this gives you access to a witch trainer.
Be sure to give him the items in the order he states.
"For not making a venerable veteran kill you and everyone you know the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Frivolity (Disabled) |
1 |
–241 |
New Kolvir, Anywhere |
"This Mark is currently disabled."
Jump (use) a jump rope for 90 times without tripping. Jump rope obtained from NK; the wearer must be at least level 210 to use it.
Not as easy as it sounds.
No rewards, aside from the mark.
Jump about every 2 seconds, have a high agility, and have someone refreshing you.
"For dedicating time to the practice of agility the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Fury |
10 |
–60 |
Rune Forest |
"Join the Order of the Malachite Golem in their fight against the Rabid Wolf."
Cannot have the Mark of Ferocity.
"For taking a side in a vicious conflict, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Gambling |
1 |
–241 |
Donation Item |
"Get an exceptionally high score in a prominent Alyrian game."
Obtain a top 5 score in Fnargh.
"For possessing the ability and luck to win, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Goodness |
1 |
–241 |
Sigil |
"Grant an interview to the Alyrian Chronicle."
"For honestly conducting an interview with the Alyrian Chronicle, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Greed |
1 |
–241 |
Any Area with a Bank |
"Store a large amount of money in your favorite bank."
Type 'bank deposit all' with 1,000,000 gp or more in the bank.
"For thy display of lucrative avarice, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Hardness |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Decara |
"Help a hunter in Decara kill a huge amount of his prey."
Submit log |
[+] |
Harvest |
15 |
–241 |
Runic Castle |
"Complete the quest Harvest Time from Lord Agrippa by completing the five other quests from Lord Vashir, Lord Vendredi, Lady Undya, Lord Telleri and Lady Templeton."
Note: Only available from the Harvest Time seasonal quest available at Lord Agrippa during the fall seasonal quests.
Depending on your level, you will receive a different set of quests. Other than the quest rewards, there are no additional rewards for this Mark. Plus, there is no legit "completed" string. :P
"This Mark is awarded for completing the quests Harvest Time, Pumpkin Harvest, Corn Harvest, Wheat Harvest, Meat For Winter and Stored, Stocked and Locked."
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[+] |
Healing |
60 |
–241 |
The Towne of Xaventry |
"Clerics can complete an achievement quest given out by Lady Undya while Archons can complete an achievement quest given out by a druid instructor."
Requirements: Must currently be a cleric class, or a hero or archon.
Level 15-60:
Level 61-240: http://annwn.info/quest/3514
Archon: http://annwn.info/quest/3511
Level 15-60: http://annwn.info/quest/3478
Level 61-240:
Archon: http://annwn.info/quest/3509
Level 15-60:
Level 61-240: http://annwn.info/quest/3483
Archon: http://annwn.info/quest/3510
Level 15-60:
Level 61-240:
"This Mark is rewarded to Clerics that complete the class tutorial achievement quest given out by Lady Undya."
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[+] |
Honor |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"Report for guard duty at Rune."
Requirements: Must not have Mark of Shame. Must be daytime.
This Mark is granted for assisting with law enforcement in the Towne of Rune.
Find Raksann and ask him about guard duty. (SAYTO Raksann guard duty). He'll place you at the prison entrance. Wait here until a couple of sidhe nightblades arrive to break into the prison. Kill them and wait for Raksann to return.
If you're fresh out of Lasler, depending on your class, you might have a bit of trouble with the nightblades. But everyone should be fine by around level 20.
You'll be awarded the Mark as soon as Raksann returns along with some gold coins and a gate pass.
NOTE: If you leave before Raksann returns, you will be granted the mark of Shame.
"For standing your ground, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Hordes |
6 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"Be one of one hundred adventurers in the Runic Temple."
Be at Rune recall with 99 other people.
"For being part of the formation of a horde, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Hostility |
1 |
–241 |
Mandrake Woods |
"Completely remove the troll menace from Mandrake Forest."
Kill every troll in Mandrake Woods, including Glamdrung, but he doesn't have to be the last one.
More than likely need at least 3 people to attempt this mark, as the area repops frequently.
"For destroying all troll life within the Mandrake Woods, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Humility |
25 |
–241 |
Vir |
"Wear an article of child's clothing entirely unfit for an adventurer."
Obtain a baby dracon's "tyke's diaper" and wear it. (You must first obtain "a signet ring of Vir" from Viridis, Queen of Dracons to enter the room with the baby dracon.)
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[+] |
Hygiene |
1 |
–241 |
Dungeon Odious |
"Slay the smelly menace hidden in the wilds southeast of Sigil."
Find the Odious Dungeon to the southeast of sigil before the mountians, it will appear as a dark grey 'O' Go down and then randomly choose 1 of the 8 portals. In each portal is a mob, 2 of the random mobs are almost impossible to beat, the moon imp, and the writhing demon, if you find thier portals, expect to be killed. If you choose a wrong portal, kill the mob in the room to get a portal back to the center room of the dungeon, repeat until you find the Odious Wizard and kill him.
To do so you will probably need a form with a character capible of tanking and another to plague and poison him.
He has triggers to sleep when any character opposing him either dies or flees. When he is sleeping his regen is incredible (even while plague and poisoned). So when fleeing come back and wake him up as fast as you can- then rest up before fighting again.
Only the person that gets the killing blow on the Odious wizard will get the mark.
Note: No mark for killing him if he is blind.
Update: 5/05/10 - Like most of the first/second class group marks this is now rewarded to the entire form. Immediately transports you to the musty treasure room with some random stuff (bind-on-take skill manuals, astrals) - Balimos
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[+] |
Idolatry |
1 |
–241 |
Catacombs of Shame |
"Be your most transparent self to solve a puzzle of the Catacombs of Shame."
Requirements: Be dead.
Solve the puzzle in the Catacombs of Shame, behind the NPC "a large fey". The exit (along with the fey guarding it) randomly teleports within the Catacombs, i.e. it's not always in the same place.
The room can change position while you're inside working on the Mark. If that happens, you will not get a message informing you of the room's movement. If you're in the room with the large fey when he moves, you'll see:
"A large fey rubs out the chalk outline of the door on the southern wall, erasing it from existence, and walks away."
The statues must be aligned as follows:
8 7 6
3 4 5
2 1 -
(- is empty)
Get the statues to move by SAYing a direction. When you're done, go to the NW corner of the rooms and west and "sayto man ready" and he'll check the statues.
Two statues can't occupy the same room at a time. This is basically a sliding puzzle.
Update: it seems the area is no-regen. Before attempting this Mark, it is suggested that you regenerate a good amount of stamina.
"For doing a task required of you, a bear of a devotee granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Illusion |
1 |
–60 |
Sigil |
"Find an illusionist hidden within Sigil's walls."
Obtain a ruby-topped staff by giving 5,000 gold to a hag in Sigil when offered.
Obtain vials of runestone powder from silver knights in the castle, master necromancers in Ilandrama Library, or paying 23,000 gold each at Samantha's Source of Power. You will need an estimated 8-15 vials of runestone powder.
When you hold and use the staff, it uses up a runestone vial and summons a serpent. Follow this serpent. It should lead you close to the illusionist. When it stops working, try going in each direction in the room until you find the illusionist. (The exit is not visible.)
Tip: Use the vials only in rooms where there is an intersection. If you have to backtrack anywhere you've narrowed it down a lot.
Give him the staff for +50 alignment and the Mark. Kill him for the Mark and possibly a dagger he carries.
"For seeing through a powerful wizard's devious illusions, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Influence |
1 |
–241 |
Any Clan Master |
"Influence your clan for over 12 Alyrian years."
"For thy efforts towards building a better future, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Ingenuity |
1 |
–241 |
Anywhere |
"Compile an impressive record at the game of Hangman."
Win 100 more games of hangman than losses.
"For always knowing what word the hangman chooses, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Inheritance |
1 |
–241 |
Darksea |
"Ensure the rite of succession is completed by finding the ghost of Arquass Grintooth, last seen abducted by the followers of Saenia."
Requirements: Must not have the mark of Misery.
Submit log |
[+] |
Insight |
1 |
–241 |
The Towne of New Rigel |
"Pay a forest-dwelling old man to hear his surprisingly useful stories."
Visit the crotchety old man (trackable) in the Thieves' Forest, wait until he says something, and give him the amount of gold he asks for (ranges from 1-12 million).
The amount doesn't seem to change upon reboot; only when someone gives him the amount he asks for.
"For seeking out your elders for advice, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Intuition |
1 |
–60 |
Ofstadt Monastery |
"Help the head of a monastery replenish his supplies."
Requirements: Must be a Monk.
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[+] |
Investigation |
60 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"Perform guard duty for Sathan."
Submit log |
[+] |
Investment |
25 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Invest in your reagents.
Submit log |
[+] |
Irresponsibility |
1 |
–241 |
Temple of Sumter |
"Look for a way to release the hidden plague of Kells."
First, you need to obtain two types of quartz crystals: twelve of "a small quartz crystal" (gem) and one of "a large quartz crystal" (astral).
The small crystals are buried in the stairwell of the city of the Kells. (Since you need to dig, you should get a spade and pickaxe. :P) Starting at the recall point of the Temple of Sumter, which is on Rune Mountain, head all north. Search for the hidden down, go all down and all west. Levitating, go 3 north (until you are at the Underground River), northeast, and down (through the floor). Follow the river down. When you see the north and west exits, go west (since north is a death trap :P). Continue through the Crystal Caverns. At the Crystal Stairway, you can dig for crystals in each of the three rooms of the stairwell. (You need six small crystals for the next step, and six small crystals for the final step, so you don't need to get them all at once. You won't get twelve in one pop.)
To obtain the large crystal, you must first find "a dormant quartz golem", located in a random area. Give the golem six small quartz crystals. Then give the golem x amount of gold to turn it into "a reactivated quartz golem". It'll take a lot of gold, so it's recommended to give in increments of 100k. Once the golem is reactivated, kill it for the large crystal.
When you have all the required crystals (six small and one large), head to the bottom of the Crystal Stairway and go north until you reach the Crystal Wall. Say "Akron Kalik Skevar" to break the wall and reveal a north exit. Head north until you reach the Trail of Tears. Say "Wisdom cannot be given" and the statue will open a passage north. Continue all north and enter the columns. You must be levitating here. Head all north and enter the next set of columns. Continue following the path around until you reach the Solar Chamber. You will be attacked by many Kell defenders, which are easy to handle for anyone over third class.
Around the Solar Chamber, you will find 7 altars in total. Place a small quartz crystal (gem type) into each of the altars north, east, south, west, up, and down from the Solar Altar. Each altar should turn into a black altar as you do this. Finally, place the large quartz crystal (astral type) into the the centre altar. As the altar explodes, the Kells are now released in the entire area and in Lowangen.
"For endangering the entire town of Lowangen, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Jeweling |
25 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Pick apart a relic using a jeweler's workbench.
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[+] |
Judgment |
11 |
–120 |
Dungeon Wroth |
"Help free a prisoner held captive in Dungeon Wroth."
Find the human prisoner in the 3rd cell down on the left side of the cell area inside Dungeon Wroth and say 'yes' to him
"For freeing a kidnapped prisoner from the dread orcs of Wroth, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Keeping |
1 |
–241 |
Genauras |
"Help restore the power of the Archmage of the Sigil Underground."
Find the Archmage's five lost parchments. They are hidden in the five towns/villages in Sigil Underground as follows:
strength -- Bandit Camp
knowledge -- Troglodyte Village
wisdom -- Genauras
personality -- A Ghost Town
sanity -- Gypsy Village
"For maintaining the integrity and safety of Archmage Oranillis, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Lamentation |
1 |
–241 |
Mandrake Woods |
"Visit a sad, fallen forest."
Requirements: One's current class must either be a cleric or archon.
Journey to Mandrake Woods. (Previously first class only.)
"For persevering and finding the dark forest of Mandrake, the Powers granted thee a mark!"
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[+] |
Learning |
10 |
–241 |
Rune Forest |
"Take a seat in one of Sombar's classes every day of the week."
Sit in Sombar's lecture until he notes your attendance for 7 days in a row (real time, not game time).
"For attending one of Sombar's 'lectures' daily, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Levelling |
25 |
–250 |
Random Area |
Level up.
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[+] |
Life |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
"Destroy the artificial spawn of The Dangly One."
Kill a pernicious squirt. Low random. Rewards only non-saints(?).
"For eradicating the bioengineered forebears of That Which Shall Not Be Named, the Powers granted thee a mark!"
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[+] |
Location |
20 |
–241 |
Templeton |
"Undertake quest #3211 - Where Is Tutorial - The Mark of Location"
"For locating the exit to Templeton and making your way through the city, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Love |
60 |
–241 |
Sigil |
"Show off a symbol of true love to an expert of the trade."
Requirements: Be married.
Be the first person to enter the jewelry shop on the west side of Sigil after a reboot.
"For finding your one true love, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Magic |
60 |
–241 |
Sigil |
"All the quests required for the Achievement Quest are given out as standard quests from Lord Vendredi. Archons have to get them from Arianus."
Requirements: Must be a mage, Hero, or Archon.
"This Mark is rewarded to Mages that complete the class tutorial achievement quest given out by Lord Vendredi."
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[+] |
Management |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
"Keep a jiggling, flubbering menace under control."
Kill the last jiggling cube in the game?
Unsure of mark details or other requirements; perhaps the Mark is simply on a low random.
"For doing your part in keeping the gelatinous cube menace under control, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Manslaughter |
25 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Kill someone in NPK.
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[+] |
Martyr |
25 |
–241 |
Aequtus |
"In the damned village of an underwater world, sacrifice yourself, so that an innocent girl might live."
Requirements: Both Moons must be Full. Must have the Mark of Passion.
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[+] |
Mediums |
1 |
–241 |
An Abandoned Lighthouse |
"Render your judgement on a series of events that have overtaken a lighthouse near Rune."
First, you need to acquire 3 items. A memorial cross (from Rune Graveyard), 3 vials of lamp oil, and a pinch of sulfur.
Go to the lighthouse SE of Rune. Visit the room 'The Beacon' at the top of the lighthouse which has a blazing memorial.
When the area resets (every 6 real hours), take the key from the ground and an NPC named Jack will attack you. Kill Jack and take the key from the ground.
Go back to the entrance of the lighthouse. You will automatically drop the key at the locked door. Jack will reappear here and unlock the down.
Follow Jack down and west.
After the argument, kill either Challaine or Falyria.
In his bedroom, Jack will ask you for the items mentioned above. Give them to him (in any order) and the memorial will be lit.
After a minute the delusional accountant will send you mail with the read aura scroll.
-Special thanks to Quilis for information about this mark!
"For stepping into conflict and establishing peace, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Mercantilism |
1 |
–241 |
Bazaar |
"Lease a vendor in the Bazaar for a period of time."
Need to be an owner of a vendor at the Bazaar for at least a year RL time.
Type vendor info [or v i] to get the mark.
Rewards scale to total level.
"For thy participation in the open market, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Merry |
1 |
–241 |
Christmas Global |
"Defeat one of Professor Silax's escaped reindeer leaders in combat. Available during the Alyrian Yule Global."
Kill one of the lead reindeer (Charles Billingsworth III, Temper, Stamper, Doughnut, Mitten, Tulip, Steelwool, Stupid, or Pigeon) during the Christmas global. May be found in Xaventry, New Rigel, Rune, or Tellerium.
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[+] |
Mischief |
60 |
–241 |
The Towne of New Rigel |
"Visit the Bandit Leader in Thieve's Forest, Brahn in his School of Music or a Knave for Hire in his hidden location in New Rigel to receive the quest. Lord Vashir also gives out the main quest and the quests required."
Requirements: Must either be Bard, Knave or Rogue class.
Level 15-60: http://annwn.info/quest/3464
Level 61-240: http://annwn.info/quest/3465
Archon: http://annwn.info/quest/3492
Level 15-60: http://annwn.info/quest/3773
Level 61-240: http://annwn.info/quest/3516
Archon: http://annwn.info/quest/3496
Level 15-60:
Level 61-240:
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[+] |
Misery |
1 |
–241 |
Darksea |
"Assassinate the last of the heirs to the mantle of Darksea."
Requirements: Must not have the mark of Inheritance.
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[+] |
Mobbing |
25 |
–250 |
Random Area |
Yell at your friends.
Submit log |
[+] |
Murder |
35 |
–250 |
Random Area |
Backstab a victim to death.
Submit log |
[+] |
Novices |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Participate in Novice Clantalk.
Submit log |
[+] |
Observation |
15 |
–241 |
Rune Forest, New Rigel |
"Assist a birdwatcher in Rune Forest."
Talk to Servos in Rune Forest and ask him about eagles. Retrieve the diseased eagle egg (unknown repop rate) from the eagle's nest in the Thieves' Forest and bring it to Servos. Then go to the places you're told to find an ornithologist who can cure the egg. After it's healed, return to Servos to get the Mark.
"For thy efforts of observation, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
Return the diary (appears on the ground, seems to be near the bird watcher) to the bird watcher in Rune Forest. Now go to the eagle's nest in Thieves Forest in New Rigel and get the egg. Return the egg to the birdwatcher in Rune Forest. If the bird hatches, make sure to feed it before it dies. Once hatched, walk into the room with the birdwatcher to acquire the Mark.
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[+] |
Octarine |
25 |
–250 |
Random Area |
Use magic.
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[+] |
Opulence |
15 |
–241 |
Various Locations |
"Seek out and sleep in 20 opulent beds across Alyria."
1. Master Bedroom (Governor's Estate) - Tellerium
2. Left Half of a Huge Bed (upstairs, past CPK) - Maldra Keep
3. The Servants' Quarters - Frost Giant's Keep
4. Resident Bedroom (West side. Directions 2n, 2w, 2n, all w, n, e, u) - Palace of Diocletian
5. Guest Bedroom - Pirate's Cove
6. Room of Healing - Tower of Art
7. Sleeping Quarters (guard barracks) - Sigil
8. Orc Quarters (west side of 2nd floor) - Dungeon Wroth
9. An Adequate Room (3rd room to the east, upstairs) - Cavhfail
10. Guest Room #3 (Viridian Inn) - Vir
11. A Cozy Bedroom (2nd hut west of the big one. outside sextant co-ords 525, 1251) - Genauras
12. A Large Group of Beds (6n, 2w, s from A Cave Junction) - Irda Isle Caverns
13. A Cramped Waiting Room - An Abandoned Oil Well
14. Oceanside Room (upstairs, southern room, first building) - Three-Bearded Jake's
15. Balcony (third floor) - Winterborn Mansion
16. Somewhere in the Tower of Riga, level 7
17. Bedroom (Irvin's house) - The Village of Lasler
18. The Black Lodge (CPK. west, south from entrance. need worldgate to be open) - The Black Lodge
19. A Small Cell - Aequtus (Follow the path northwest until you get to the main deck. Then go down to the cargo shaft, and walk around the southwest corner. Go down from the battle stations, all s, all e, all s, search for a hidden west, go west, north and pull rope. Follow the path around to wizard's workshop, go all down, then 2n, e into a small cell)
20. A Hallway Of Subtle Decadence (near Veldra) - Hotel Hello
21. The Grounds Outside The Chapel (near Mourdul, Throne of Pain) - Rune Graveyard
22. Pit Boss's Hangout - Ogre Village (from the furthest west room of the river, go down and follow the path southwest and west)
23. The Oversized Room - Grimbold's Annex (kill bronze statue in TOA to open Grimbold's Annex in library)
View log |
[+] |
Orienteering |
1 |
–19 |
Lasler Valley |
"Beginning at the Preacher of Gath, perform a series of deliveries in Lasler."
Complete the miniquest in the Valley of Lasler. Find the preacher of Gath along the road between the village and the school. You may need to walk in and out of the room to get him to talk to you. When asked, tell him your name (sayto preacher <charactername>).
He will give you a fan to take to the preacher of Maradas, who will in turn give you a watering can to take to the preacher of Ithrilis, who will give you a kite to deliver to the preacher of Dira, who will give you a tinder box to take to the (empty) Tower of Gath. The instructions given by each of these people are pretty straight-forward. The Towers are visible with the "survey" command.
"For demonstrating skill in finding thy way, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Osvin |
1 |
–241 |
Dungeon Avarice |
"Find followers of the ancient gods, in a place appropriate for a dwarf."
Requirements: Must be a dwarf.
Submit log |
[+] |
Ownership |
1 |
–241 |
Any Realty Area |
"Build a very large home."
Submit log |
[+] |
Passage |
26 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Submit log |
[+] |
Passion |
10 |
–241 |
Templeton |
"In Templeton, use the services of the oldest profession in the world."
Basically, buy a hooker. Males can go to Night Lights and pay the wench (5000 gp) for her services. The male stripper in Jasmine's Bordello serves female characters.
"For exploring thy passions, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Patience |
31 |
–75 |
Tower of Riga |
"Reach the pinnacle of Riga's Tower."
Journey to Verity Isle by worldgate or by giving a travelworn adventurer 25,000 gold. These travelworn adventurers are located in Sigil, Tellerium, New Rigel, and Xaventry. Once on Verity, you'll see the Tower of Riga on survey.
In the Tower, make your way to the top floor (can be made easier by tracking djinn) and find the (untrackable) mob "an ancient ariel". Defeat him to reach the very top room of the Tower and to recieve this Mark.
Note: You may leave the Tower of Riga and return to Sigil by giving 10000 gp to the gnome at the fountain on the bottom floor.
"For thy patience in reaching the summit of the Tower of Riga, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Permanence |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
"Have a certain barber give you the worst haircut of your life."
Maybe involves Mot the barber? http://www.clanannwn.net/npc/5004
He travels between: Arcane Archipelago, Atlantis, Decara, Inn of the Twin Moons, Irda Isle, New Kolvir, Sigil, Tellerium, Vospire, Xaventry, and possibly other areas. Basically wherever there is a room called "The Local Tonsory".
Submit log |
[+] |
Perspective |
15 |
–241 |
Various Areas |
"Look upon the five faces of the Witch Gods."
* Voca tends to visit the desolate shores of Aequtus, under Ina's motherly protection.
* While Wyvran walks down many roads, some of his favorite fiery places to visit are Dungeon Deceit, Hotel Hello, and Mount Vesuvius.
* Zur finds it most comfortable in the storms, and enjoys visiting the slopes of the Hotel Hello Volcano, as well as the icy mountains of the Frost Giant's Keep.
* Nirama wanders the paths, visiting inns across the world at whim.
* Tazil waits silently among the dead, deep in a graveyard.
"For visiting all five known Witch Gods, the Powers granted you the Mark of Perspective."
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[+] |
Philanthropy |
1 |
–241 |
The Village of Colyon |
"Assist a fisherman in a riverside village reel in the big one."
Apparently smelly elves cannot get this mark.
Travel to the village of Colyon, located southeast of Pirate's Cove. Bring with you a camel hair paintbrush (from Rune Museum) and a bright colored fishing lure (from Fisherman Joe on Irda Isle).
Find the elderly fisherman, near the southeastern exit of the village. Wait for the fisherman to catch a squid. He'll say some things, do some emotes, and drop an ink sac. Grab the ink sac and head two southwest to Mama Kjarlow. Give Mama the lure, she'll take the other items off you and make another lure. Give this lure to the elderly fisherman to obtain the Mark.
Note: Mark now rewards with Piety as well as previous rewards. (09/10)
"For helping the citizens of Colyon become more independent, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Planning |
1 |
–241 |
Any Clan Master |
"Plan to stay in your clan for over 8 Alyrian years."
"For thy efforts planning your clan's future, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Pleasure |
1 |
–241 |
Traveler's Retreat |
"Find a comfy inn to spend a night at."
Requirements: Must currently be a thief class, or an Archon.
In the Traveler's Retreat, located on the road between Rune and New Rigel, walk all east from the entrance into the stables in the room with the stable master to recieve this Mark.
Small Note: Kill the vine in the room if the mark isn't triggering.
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[+] |
Plundering |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
"To begin, find and return the lost possession of a wandering hunter."
Complete the hodag mini. Taking the pirate's booty gives you this mark.
Mini involves a rusted lockbox, the tired trapper/determined hunter, the pernacious hodag, and the 12-karat chest.
Good luck!
The rewards are awful. :)
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[+] |
Polarity |
60 |
–145 |
Old Stargazer Clan Hall |
"Solve an age-old witch problem that still plagues Tellerium."
Defeat the potbellied imp.
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[+] |
Positioning |
1 |
–241 |
Maldra Keep, Towne of Rune, Random Area |
"Position yourself where Luzzardo Malvenu needs you 100 times."
Submit log |
[+] |
Precision |
1 |
–241 |
Maldra Keep, Towne of Rune, Random Area |
"Precisely locate Luzzardo Malvenu's targets 400 times."
Submit log |
[+] |
Pride |
1 |
–241 |
Palace of Diocletian |
"Visit the finest palace in Alyria."
Requirements: One must be in either their mage class, or an archon.
Enter the Palace of Diocletian.
"For journeying to the architectural wonder that is the Palace of Diocletian, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Profession |
1 |
–241 |
Lowangen |
"Find a man in Lowangen who desperately wants to learn."
Finish the manual hunt in Lowangen. The depressed romantic asks for a series of skill manuals, beginning with acid blast and going on to include spells, proficiencies, breaths, racial skills, and lastly lava walk. Total count is 301 manuals. (Katran)
Final reward includes some random equipment.
"For helping to educate a depressed romantic and making him a valuable citizen of Lowangen, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Protection |
1 |
–241 |
Collectibles |
"Become an expert philatelist."
Stamp collecting.
Submit log |
[+] |
Recitation |
22 |
–250 |
Random Area |
Memorize a spell from within a belt pouch.
Submit log |
[+] |
Reckoning |
1 |
–241 |
Dungeon Wroth |
"Assist the orc pursuer in bringing 100 victims to their reckoning."
"For assisting the Orc Pursuer in his efforts to track down victims, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Reincarnation |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
"While dead, find a friendly shade to relieve your pain."
Requirements: Be dead.
Find the friendly ghost.
(He will no longer resurrect you if you die after he touches you. This mark was *probably* changed to casting resurrect on "The undead shade of Reverend Suddard".)
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[+] |
Reliability |
60 |
–241 |
Xalt, Unseelie Outpost |
"In a fey outpost, help to reveal a traitorous spy."
View log |
[+] |
Remembrance |
1 |
–241 |
Collectibles |
"Become an amateur toy collector."
Collect all 30 collectible plushies in your velvet-lined toybox.
The toybox is available for sale at Regwold's Antiques in Xaventry. The plushies are scatter items.
The toybox gains the "save-location" flag once the collection is complete.
See: http://www.clanannwn.net/item/collectibles/
"For amassing the sheer amount of toys necessary to fill a toybox, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Research |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Use the EQDB.
Submit log |
[+] |
Resolution |
10 |
–60 |
Rune Forest |
"Help your chosen Order achieve supremacy in the Forest."
Defeat the houngon's disciple. You will get here at the end of the Rune Forest faction metaquest.
"For seeking out and destroying the source of the whispers in the trees, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Respect |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"Help a faerie treasure hunter find a huge amount of his prized crystals."
Successfully complete 100 Crystal Guild quests.
"For assisting the Crystal Guild in their search, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Retreat |
1 |
–241 |
Collectibles |
"Become an expert toy collector."
Collect all 30 collectible plushies in your velvet-lined toybox.
The toybox is available for sale at Regwold's Antiques in Xaventry. The plushies are scatter items.
The toybox gains the "save-location" flag once the collection is complete.
See: http://www.clanannwn.net/item/collectibles/
"For retreating from adult affairs into a cuddly fantasy world, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Return |
1 |
–19 |
Lasler Valley |
"After entering Lasler Valley, head north to new civilization."
"For coming back to civilization after a short excursion, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Ridership |
20 |
–241 |
The Towne of New Rigel |
"Undertake quest #3212 - Mounts Tutorial - The Mark of Ridership"
"For getting to know the mounts available throughout Alyria, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Risk |
1 |
–241 |
The Towne of New Rigel |
"Get the finest of hands in a game of Alyrian Poker."
(Previously another method to get Tenacity.)
Obtain a royal flush while playing Beltane Hold'Em.
Submit log |
[+] |
Robocide |
1 |
–241 |
Phineas Kapek's Invasion Global |
"Carry out genocide against the automaton marauders - September 2013."
Kill 300 of the robot NPCs in your level group.
"For littering the streets with the corpses of hundreds of villainous robots, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Roving |
1 |
–241 |
Alyria |
"Find a relic of an ancient age, lost in the ocean."
View log |
[+] |
Rulership |
1 |
–241 |
Any Clan Master |
"Rule your clan for over 40 Alyrian years."
"For thy efforts towards building a better future, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Running |
20 |
–241 |
Sigil, Palace of Diocletian |
"Undertake quest #3214 - Running Tutorial - The Mark of Running"
"For acquainting yourself with using roadsigns to speed across continents, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Ruthlessness |
1 |
–241 |
Sigil |
"Grant an interview to the Alyrian Chronicle."
Submit log |
[+] |
Sagacity |
1 |
–241 |
Mount Vesuvius |
"Begin by reflecting a mountain serpent's gaze back upon it."
(Previously known as the Mark of Wisdom.)
Ancient Wand miniquest. On the way down Vesuvius, wear a circular mirror shield and turn on shield block to fight a basilisk. Fight basilisks until one manages to turn itself into a statue; cursing them helps with this. Head down, through the Mad Mole, to Vesuvius. Go into Alazar's shop off of Cinder Ave and give him the statue. He'll give you a branch, which you give to Wyglif the Wise (west side of Volcanus), to obtain the mark and the ancient wand (level 200, flaming wand).
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[+] |
Sanctuary |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"In danger, find safety in a holy temple."
Requirements: Must not have the Mark of Courage. Must have Mark of Humility.
Flee into Rune recall, west from the Garden of Life.
View log |
[+] |
Satisfaction |
1 |
–241 |
Any Clan Master |
"Satisfy your clan's requirements for membership for over 20 Alyrian years."
"For thy efforts towards building a better future, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Savvy |
28 |
–241 |
Random Area |
Auction items that archons might want.
Submit log |
[+] |
Secrets |
1 |
–150 |
Lowangen |
"Find and keep an embarrassing secret of one of the lesser Lords of the land."
Requirements: Personality must be greater than 13.
In Lowangen, visit the mistress in the hidden room in the Keep, behind Lord Cronus. When she acknowledges your presence and asks you to keep her a secret, nod to her.
"For keeping King Cronus' dirty little secret, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Serenity |
45 |
–241 |
The Towne of Xaventry |
"Seek rest in an appropriate room, in an appropriate temple, of Xaventry."
Requirements: Must be active at the time of the task.
Sleep in one of the Peaceful Bliss rooms at the top of Vandyne Temple. After a random amount of time you will get this Mark.
Note: Mark now rewards with Piety as well as previous rewards. (09/10)
"For patiently seeking enlightenment within this chaotic world, the Powers granted thee a mark."
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[+] |
Servility |
1 |
–241 |
Sigil |
"Assist a unique druid wandering Sigil."
Not sure if both methods still work.
First method:
Give a silverthorn plant to an evergreen druid that wanders around Sigil.
Second method:
Vospire, or Diocletian and find the Dignitary, or "Ambassador" there, upon attacking him and getting him to low hp, he will transform into a Moon imp. Here is where it is handy to have a friend near the Sigil Worldgate when you attack this imp. The friend should be able to run into the worldgate when you say its been sent running, and search for, or dig for a doorknob. Take this doorknob to sigil, to the room called Heartstone Northish of Sigil recall, where you see the strange outline of the door, and Use it. This will open the way to the moon, where the evergreen druid goes when its given the plant. This place is all filled with PK, one should be very carefull in here.
"For helping a lost druid in his time of need, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Shame |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"Attempt to assist Raksann perform guard duty - and fail."
Requirements: Must not have Mark of Honor.
Find Raksann in Rune and ask for guard duty. He'll take you to the prison and leave you there. If you do your task as asked, you will get the Mark of Honor. If you leave the room before Raksann returns, you will receive the Mark of Shame.
Submit log |
[+] |
Slaughtered |
45 |
–250 |
Random Area |
Get NPKed.
Submit log |
[+] |
Sleep |
10 |
–120 |
A Ghost Town |
"Search for the lidless eye in a ghost town."
Slay An ancient beyonder in A ghost town
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[+] |
Sloth |
1 |
–241 |
Collectibles |
"Become a master toy collector."
Collect all 30 collectible plushies in your velvet-lined toybox.
The toybox is available for sale at Regwold's Antiques in Xaventry. The plushies are scatter items.
The toybox gains the "save-location" flag once the collection is complete.
See: http://annwn.info/item/collectibles/
"For investing so much of your time amassing this collection of dolls, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Sociability |
1 |
–241 |
Any Realty Area |
"Find a participant for hide and seek in Alyria."
Play hide and seek with the giggling little boy that appears in housing areas. LOOK at him and he will teleport away, to be found again. Find and look at him three times to receive the Mark.
"For traveling about and making friends in the many housing estates of the world, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Sociableness |
1 |
–241 |
Chat Rooms |
"Find a participant for hide and seek in a truly social place."
Play hide and seek with the happy little girl that wanders around the Ivory Tower. If you LOOK at her, she will say something about hide-and-seek, and teleport away. Find her and look at her three times without leaving Social and you will receive this Mark.
She has been known to teleport to inaccessible rooms, such as the immortal chat room.
"For kindly playing a game with youngsters, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Sociality |
1 |
–241 |
Chat Rooms |
"Spend some serious time being social."
Sit in Social for an extended period of time.
"For being so socially active, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Solutions |
1 |
–241 |
Alyria (Merdraco) |
"Take a trip on the finest ship in the sea, The Merdaco."
Board the Merdraco.
"For finding a superior method of intercontinental transportation, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Speed |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"Help a faerie treasure hunter find a large amount of his prized crystals."
Complete 50 Crystal Guild quests.
"For assisting the Crystal Guild in their search, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Status |
1 |
–241 |
Random Area |
TALK RANKING if your ranking is 20,000 or greater.
Submit log |
[+] |
Stone |
1 |
–241 |
Any Clan Master |
"Be a fixture in your clan for over 4 Alyrian years."
"For thy stolid participation in your clan, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Storytelling |
1 |
–241 |
The Towne of Xaventry |
"Find an ancient one hidden in a traditional home of the druids, and hear her tale."
Requirements: You must be wearing an Istani relic.
If you are a neutral-aligned druid, you can enter the druid's forest via the maze near the south entrance of Xaventry. If not, use the warp-stone from the demented druid.
You must have an item of Raymatus' with you to trigger the ageless one prior to 11:00 am. At 11:00 am, she begins to tell a story and you will recieve this Mark. May need to sit on the root to successfully obtain the Mark(?).
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[+] |
Strength |
15 |
–241 |
Random Area |
"Remove a heavy, bouldery inconvenience that plagues the questmasters of the land."
Find the scatter item "a giant boulder" (formerly "a huge boulder"), found in one of the questmasters' castles/palaces, and pick it up. This boulder weighs 10 stones.
"For possessing the physical ability to relieve the Lords and Ladies of Alyria of this accursed boulder, the Powers granted thee a mark."
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[+] |
Stupidity |
1 |
–241 |
Limbo Maze |
"Make a genuinely dumb decision while in the afterlife."
Requirements: Must not be affected by the spell 'delay incarnation'.
No rewards, and currently not recommended. :P Prevents you from getting the Mark of Triumph, and may exclude you from using certain equipment.
While dead, find the "featureless copper door" in the Ethereal Void and enter it. Find the old hermit in the Limbo Maze. When he asks if you want to be brought back to life, say "no" to receive the Mark.
"For being utterly clueless, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Tenacity |
1 |
–241 |
Various Locations |
"Play a Royal Flush in Poker."
(Formerly: "Use the last remnants of Reztreal, the mighty spectre.")
Submit log |
[+] |
Theoorn |
1 |
–241 |
Dungeon Avarice |
"Find followers of the ancient gods, in a place appropriate for a dwarf."
Requirements: Must be a dwarf.
Submit log |
[+] |
Tithing |
1 |
–241 |
Pirate's Cove |
"Make a substantial donation to a coastal priest."
Give 100k to the priest in Ithrilis' Sacrarium.
"For giving to the mortal manifestation of the Powers, they granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Transience |
1 |
–241 |
Tavern of the Boars |
"Visit a prominent Sepharan Tavern, known for its Arena challenge."
Requirements: Class must be equal to Bard, Rogue, or Archon.
Enter the Tavern of the Boars, found on the road from New Rigel to Dungeon Wroth.
"For finding a new location, with unsuspecting hits, the Powers have granted thee a mark!"
View log |
[+] |
Transport |
20 |
–241 |
Alyria |
"Undertake quest #3206 - Transportation Tutorial - The Mark of Transport"
"For familiarizing yourself with some of the many modes of transport around Alyria, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Traveler |
1 |
–241 |
Any Questmaster |
"Complete a huge amount of quests."
Complete 2000 quests or more (random chance upon quest completion).
"For thy travels across the lands of Alyria, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Treats |
1 |
–250 |
All Spirits Eve Global |
"Give a favorite seasonal snack to a druid during All Spirits' Eve."
Give a bag of candycorn to a young druid in one of the global quest towns.
"For giving a tasty treat to a hard working druid during his time of need, the Powers granted you a Mark."
EDIT: Mark level adjusted as per ingame marks list - Syll
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[+] |
Triennial |
1 |
–241 |
Arcane Archipelago, Towne of Rune, Palace of Diocletian, Hellbent Mountain, Arien'dyth, Genauras, Unseelie Castle |
"Handle the incredibly fragile phoenix egg from Arcane Archipelago while your Adventurer is at least 3 real years old."
Submit log |
[+] |
Truth |
10 |
–250 |
Rune Forest |
"Spare the life of a deadly-looking duck in Rune Forest."
Requirements: Level 10-50 or Archon; alignment > -750.
Cross the granite bridge in Rune Forest without harming the duck.
"For sparing the life of the Samurai Duck, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Valkyjra |
1 |
–241 |
Tellerium, Lair of the Ice Witch |
"Find a valkyrie in Tellerium who must aid her brethren."
Requirements: Must be, or have been, a Valkyrie.
Return 2 vials of gorgon blood to Uy, Valkyrie guardian of the Nayar tribe. You'll need 2 vials of unblessed holy water which can be purchased in Xaventry or right outside of Jalur (for a much higher price). There is a limit of 2 vials per character.
Gorgon's blood is obtained by defeating the gorgon animator and all the gorgonlings in the Lair of the Ice Witch. (Note: this lair and mob changes to whatever class the current person in it is. i.e. If a level 60 is inside then the mobs are adjusted to be suitable for that level and no one of a different class level will be allowed to enter.) After you have killed her and the gorgonlings, go down to bottom of the area (The Vaunted Treasure Vault) and there will be a puddle of blood. There is a random amount of blood; you may get 1 vial's worth or you may get 3 or 4. This means you may have to kill the animator multiple times. Empty the vials of unblessed water and fill them with blood.
After you have obtained the 2 vials, return to Uy, who is in the Tellerium training academy and make sure you have triggered her. She will take the vials from your inventory and you will receive the Mark. There are no rewards for this Mark. Also, you'll no longer be able to sacrifice any corpses. If you do, the Mark is revoked. Yeah, seriously. All that work could be gone in an instant. It's very annoying.
"For demonstrating courage and properly consecrating the dead, a valkyrie guardian granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Vertigo |
15 |
–250 |
The Towne of Xaventry |
"Undertake quest #3238 - Dizziness Tutorial - The Mark of Vertigo"
"For learning how to manipulate magic and combat vertigo, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Vicarship |
1 |
–241 |
Curse of Xazra or Random Area |
"Slay a wandering angel."
Requirements: Must be positively aligned.
Slay the vengeful archangel, Ghryzhrymydyon. Must be evil alignment to tank, but good alignment to obtain the Mark.
Submit log |
[+] |
Vision |
1 |
–241 |
Towne of Rune |
"Help a faerie treasure hunter find a massive amount of his prized crystals."
Successfully complete 500 Crystal Guild quests.
You might not receive other rewards for this Mark.
"For assisting the Crystal Guild in their search, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Volume |
1 |
–241 |
Collectibles |
"Become an amateur plate collector."
Submit log |
[+] |
Voraciousness |
1 |
–241 |
Grimbold's Annex |
"Locate a dangerous library hidden somewhere in Sepharia."
Enter Grimbold's Annex in the Tower of Art.
"For daring to enter the den of insatiable bibliovores, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
View log |
[+] |
Wanderer |
1 |
–241 |
The Lonely Dragon Inn |
"Visit a lonely tavern, on the roads of Sepharia."
Requirements: Must be a cleric class or an Archon.
Enter the Lonely Dragon Inn, found on the road to Xaventry.
"For journeying long and far to see the sights of Sepharia, the Powers have granted thee a mark!"
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[+] |
War |
40 |
–120 |
Sigil |
"Kill a barbarous Sigilian while showing off prime defensive ability."
Defeat a gnome barbarian in Sigil.
"For besting a skilled warrior through offensive and defensive tactics, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Warfare |
55 |
–241 |
Shlarksh |
"The orcs of Shlarksh are known as fierce warriors and avaricious looters."
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[+] |
Warpstones |
20 |
–241 |
The Towne of New Rigel, Runic Castle, Sigil |
"Undertake quest #3213 - Warpstones Tutorial - The Mark of Warpstones"
"For familiarizing yourself with the warpstones sold by questmasters, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Wealth |
60 |
–241 |
Sigil |
"Give a generous sum of money to a disheveled beggar."
Requirements: Mark of Greed. (Not listed, but previously found to be a prerequisite.)
Give 1000 gp to a beggar in Sigil.
"For being enterprising enough to amass some riches, and being generous with them, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Wisdom |
1 |
–19 |
The Village of Lasler |
"Complete the Wisdom Trial in Lasler."
After completing the Mark of Youth, go north to the elven druid at the edge of the forest. He will ask you if you have heard about the ghost. Even though you haven't, sayto him "yes". He will tell you to talk to Irvin. Go to Irvin and sayto him "ghost" to get more information. Go to Brother Rufus at recall and also ask him about the "ghost". Go west to the Beautiful Grotto and stand there until you are teleported to the obelisk puzzle.
The puzzle is like a little game of Mastermind. The four unusual obelisks (two on the west side, two on the east side) must be set to the correct colour combination of four colours (repeats allowed). The centre obelisk is an indicator of how many obelisks are currently correct; if any are correct, that number of runes will glow. To change the colours of the unusual obelisks, walk into the room and stand there until they change to the desired colour.
If the colour combination is correct, when you stand in the centre room, four runes will glow and a north exit will open. Go north to receive the Mark. You will be transported back to the grotto.
"For proving yourself wise, the spirit of Kynos granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Wonder |
25 |
–241 |
The Towne of New Rigel |
"Volunteer to be part of a magic act taking place in a certain town square."
You must be visible. When the stage illusionist at the Towne Square of New Rigel asks if anyone wants to enter the magical disappearing box, sayto him "I will". (You will end up in Tellerium.)
Note: Saying "me" will trigger him to transport you but you will not receive the mark. If you say "I will" or "me" before he asks, he will subsequently ignore you and you will be unable to get the Mark until he is killed and repops.
"For seeking wonder and amazement in these jaded times, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Worldgates |
20 |
–241 |
Sigil, Palace of Diocletian |
"Undertake quest #3210 - Worldgates Tutorial - The Mark of Worldgates"
"For familiarizing yourself with the world-spanning portals known as Worldgates, the Powers have granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
Xyzzy |
1 |
–241 |
"Perhaps a cave wall of some kind - in a colossal cave - might provide a lead."
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[+] |
Youth |
1 |
–19 |
The Village of Lasler |
"Complete the famed Lasler Youth Trial."
To receive this mark, complete the "leaf trial" in the enchanted forest near the Village of Lasler.
First, recover the green, red, and golden leaves to gain access to the trial.
The green leaf is carried by the zombie located in the cemetery. In the first room of the cemetery, dig using a spade and go down. Kill the putrid zombie to recover the leaf.
The red leaf is carried by the "small green-haired dryad" on the lowest level of the caverns. She is located in a dead end in the northeast part of this level. Kill her to get the red leaf.
The golden leaf is found on the floor of the dragon's cave. You will first need the green leaf in your inventory to get past first dryad guardian. Go through the maze of the burned forest to get to the cave. Be careful, because the dragon is aggressive and breathes fire.
When you have all three leaves, find the old druid at the southeast corner of the enchanted forest. You will need to have the leaves in your inventory for the first three dryads to let you pass. The last dryad will ask you a riddle, for which the answer is "wisdom" or "word".
Enter the room with the druid. He will cast haste on you, then send you onward.
You have a choice between three NPCs to fight: a large spider, a gnarled goblin, or a repulsive green slime for the Trials of the Warrior, the Thief, and the Magician respectively. Regardless of your own class, you may choose any one of these NPCs to fight.
Note: The spider cannot be damaged by magic, and the slime does not take physical damage. (Feys' hand to hand is "negative energy" damage, not physical, so it will work against the slime.)
After killing one of these NPCs, you will be transported to the next room. Go north to receive the Mark of Youth and a manual for an attribute or vital statistic.
"For learning as much as you can in your formative years, the Powers granted thee a Mark."
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[+] |
ZZZ Education (Disabled) |
1 |
–241 |
Nomad Village |
"Help a traveling faculty member with their work."
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[+] |
ZZZ Trickery MMXI (Disabled) |
10 |
–241 |
All Spirits Eve Global |
"Complete the global event quest for All Spirits Eve once a day for the duration of the global."
Note: This mark will not be reused, it may ONLY be obtained in the 2011 All Spirits Eve Global.
This Mark was removed from the list before the Global started. :p
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